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Author: Global-t

Imaginal Education

Transformation is a very powerful word defined as ‘a major change in form and function‘, yet in today’s world, transformation is often used to describe virtually any change. Many consulting firms define their strategies as being transformational when, in fact, all they are focusing on are incremental improvements. The failure of virtually all attempts around the world to...

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M.A.D = Making a Difference

Our CEO of Global Transformation, Ian Green had heard for sometime of an innovative social businessin South Wales and recently had the opportunity to visit the project for himself and meet the founders, Peter and Adele Jones. In 2012 Peter and Adele of the Eden Centre, Abertillery, established an award winning soft-play centre, coffee shop and party venue, a...

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Global Transformation Update April 2020

Critical Decisions Made in Crisis Every business owner must make daily decisions to grow. With the global crisis of COVID 19, owners are challenged to make critical decisions. As a real estate brokerage, all our existing and potential clients are currently self-isolated with their families. We had to make a critical decision. How can we flourish, and at the same...

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