Just the beginning………
Now the HGMI CTL program phase 1 has been completed, we look back with thankfulness. Celebrating its impact, but also look forward to the multiplication of this training as the CTL’s continue to impact their communities!

1. Through the amazing generosity of donors, Global Transformation raised £99k in sponsorship for 12 of the CTL’s (Community Transformation Leaders) to take part in the program. That’s an amazing contribution to seeing communities transformed!
2. Ian visited the HGMI in October and was able to hear about the impact of the program. With personal transformations, conversions and baptisms. Not only that, he was able to see first hand the community transformation, as the CTL’S seek to meet the needs of their communities with Community Service Points. There the community can receive support for even their most basic needs. The HGMI are looking at setting up service points in multiple locations.
3. The CTL program has been a huge success, most CTL’s are continuing to run church groups and outreach programs. Many are also attending additional training provided by the HGMI and one has also enrolled in Bible School. As a result of running the CTL program the HGMI are using this experience to run a similar style of training in 9 locations across Hungary, increasing their reach!
4. Finally, the growth in the individual CTL’s since the start of the programme has been fantastic! Their maturity and desire to serve their communities effectively, truly shows the impact the training has had on them.
Gyorgye Sandor “The people around me have noticed a change in me and I owe it to the training I received from the CTL program. Through the training, I learned to introduce people to the Kingdom of God.”
We are so grateful to have been able to support this Kingdom focused training.