Hope for Sierra Leone – Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity
Bruce Mann has been a personal friend for over 10 years, we also work together on Kingdomize Global. The current work he is involved with in Sierra Leone is playing a significant role in bringing Transformation to African nations. Here he explains how.
Estimates by the World Economic Forum, say the global cost of corruption is at least $2.6 trillion, or 5% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), adding that, according to the World Bank, businesses and individuals pay more than $1 trillion in bribes every year.
As you can see the cost of corruption globally is enormous. Unfortunately, these numbers only identify the financial impact (a form of corruption in itself). The human, social and eternal cost is inestimable and beyond comprehension.
We will often ask groups: does poverty create corruption or does corruption create poverty? There is no simple answer to this question. What we do know is that they are connected.
It can be overwhelming to even begin to challenge the giant of corruption…but, that is exactly what we are called to do if we are ambassadors of God’s Kingdom (2 Cor. 5: 16-20).

Transformation Sierra Leone partnering with Commissioning a lifestyle of Integrity (cli.international) is working to be a catalyst for a movement of integrity that provides a level path for God’s kingdom to move forward on. We are seeing some very encouraging signs that the corruption weary people of Sierra Leone and other nations are eager to embrace Integrity as a lifestyle.
Friends, the simple fact is that if more laws, more police and more sermons were going to correct the problem of corruption, it would have happened by now. It is an unfortunate thing to say but the impact of corruption can be seen in all areas of society, sadly even in the church where it can take its most subtle forms.
Friends, the simple fact is that if more laws, more police and more sermons were going to correct the problem of corruption, it would have happened by now. It is an unfortunate thing to say but the impact of corruption can be seen in all areas of society, sadly even in the church where it can take its most subtle forms.
In the study participants discover that integrity is more than just being honest, we invite individuals to develop the six pillars of integrity – Trust, Honour, Truth, Dignity, Influence and Authenticity. (This photo shows a session being held in the supreme court room for all the judiciary court staff).
The second thrust is focused on the emerging generation using a curriculum called “Code Name Integrity”. It helps children understand the eternal value of a life lived with integrity.

Our goal is to help construct Integrity rather than deconstruct corruption. The simple strategy is that light can overcome darkness.
This work has the ability to transcend the conventional Christian context and reach into the very fabric of the nation. Touching people of peace regardless of their religious, social or ethnic background.
Our prayer is that the tiny nation of Sierra Leone can be an example of what happens when God’s Kingdom comes, and his will is done on earth as it is in Heaven!
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